Simply Shanah harbors both professional and personal milestones. In 2019; I made the decision to separate the professional and individual experiences. I wanted to have a space specifically focusing on my work as a disability rights advocate, share lessons learnt from the many spaces I am invited to, observations about disability rights in Uganda and above all documentation to act as reference for young people with disabilities.
Cue The Disability Lane blog. Initially, the idea was to have a writing space then along the way, I developed social media platforms for it that is Twitter and Facebook. The Disability Lane solidified into a digital civic space to raise awareness of gender and disability concerns for social justice and inclusion of women and girls with disabilities. I am figuring it out as I go along. So far, I love how it is growing. I have been able to feature activists in the disability movement both domestic and outside Uganda to share their knowledge and expertise on topical discussions.
It has made me realize that content creation and curation is not so easy, especially when you are doing it single-handedly. However, it has given me the opportunity to explore my creativity and expand knowledge of design tools like Canva.
Since I consider myself committed to gender and disability development, I am excited to discover the level of impact it has on disability, gender and representation in the digital space.
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